1 | Pro | 1.82% | |
2 | Apple | 1.52% | |
3 | iPhone | 1.42% | |
4 | PS5 | 1.13% | |
5 | 0.87% | ||
6 | Galaxy | 0.75% | |
7 | New | 0.73% | |
8 | Samsung | 0.68% | |
9 | Xbox | 0.61% | |
10 | NASA | 0.57% | |
11 | Game | 0.51% | |
12 | AirPods | 0.5% | |
13 | AI | 0.49% | |
14 | SpaceX | 0.49% | |
15 | Space | 0.45% | |
16 | Microsoft | 0.45% | |
17 | Android | 0.44% | |
18 | Polaris | 0.44% | |
19 | Amazon | 0.44% | |
20 | Watch | 0.43% | |
21 | Dawn | 0.43% | |
22 | Huawei | 0.42% | |
23 | Sony | 0.42% | |
24 | iOS | 0.42% | |
25 | Ultra | 0.41% | |
26 | IA | 0.39% | |
27 | Earth | 0.35% | |
28 | PlayStation | 0.34% | |
29 | Switch | 0.33% | |
30 | Steam | 0.32% | |
31 | Nintendo | 0.32% | |
32 | Xiaomi | 0.28% | |
33 | Como | 0.28% | |
34 | Pass | 0.27% | |
35 | Series | 0.27% | |
36 | Pixel | 0.26% | |
37 | Mate | 0.24% | |
38 | Plus | 0.24% | |
39 | Astro | 0.24% | |
40 | XT | 0.23% | |
41 | Max | 0.23% | |
42 | Black | 0.23% | |
43 | Bot | 0.22% | |
44 | Marine | 0.22% | |
45 | Games | 0.22% | |
46 | Star | 0.22% | |
47 | Tierra | 0.22% | |
48 | AMD | 0.22% | |
49 | First | 0.2% | |
50 | Asi | 0.18% | |
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