스프링 웹소켓과 리액티브 메시징을 활용한 실시간 통신

A MacBook with lines of code on its screen on a busy desk

스프링 웹소켓과 리액티브 메시징을 활용한 실시간 통신은 대규모 애플리케이션에서 확장성과 효율성을 높이는데 매우 유용한 기술입니다. Continue reading 스프링 웹소켓과 리액티브 메시징을 활용한 실시간 통신

Building Reactive Microservices with Spring Boot and WebFlux WebClient

A MacBook with lines of code on its screen on a busy desk

“Spring Boot와 WebFlux WebClient로 반응형 마이크로서비스 구축하기”에 대한 기술적 기사에서는 프로페셔널한 톤으로, 이 기술을 사용하여 마이크로서비스를 구축하는 방법을 설명합니다. Continue reading Building Reactive Microservices with Spring Boot and WebFlux WebClient

Monorepos vs. Multirepos: Choosing the Right Repository Structure


As software development teams continue to grow and projects become more complex, choosing the right repository structure is crucial. One debate that has emerged in recent years is whether to use a monorepo or multirepo approach. While both have their advantages, the decision ultimately depends on the specific needs of the project and team. In this article, we will examine the differences between monorepos and multirepos and provide guidance on how to choose the right structure for your organization. Continue reading Monorepos vs. Multirepos: Choosing the Right Repository Structure

Building Augmented Reality iOS Apps with ARKit and RealityKit

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Augmented Reality (AR) is changing how people interact with the world around them. With the advent of technologies such as Apple’s ARKit and RealityKit, developers can build iOS apps that enhance the user experience by overlaying digital content on top of the real world. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into building AR apps for iOS using these powerful tools. We’ll cover everything from setting up a project to creating 3D models, adding animations, and working with the camera. So, join us on this exciting journey into the world of AR development! Continue reading Building Augmented Reality iOS Apps with ARKit and RealityKit

Using Hystrix with Reactive Spring Cloud Applications: Integrating with Project Reactor

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As reactive programming gains popularity, it becomes essential to ensure system resilience. One way to achieve this is by using Hystrix, which allows for the implementation of fallback mechanisms. In this article, we explore integrating Hystrix with Project Reactor, a popular reactive programming library. By doing so, we can handle errors and increase the stability of our reactive Spring Cloud applications. Continue reading Using Hystrix with Reactive Spring Cloud Applications: Integrating with Project Reactor

Testing Hystrix Circuit Breakers and Fallbacks in Spring Cloud Applications: Strategies and Best Practices

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As microservices architecture becomes more popular, the need for reliable and fault-tolerant systems also grows. Hystrix is a popular library for implementing circuit breakers and fallbacks in Spring Cloud applications. However, simply adding Hystrix to your project is not enough. To ensure that your system is resilient, it is important to test your Hystrix configurations thoroughly. In this article, we will discuss strategies and best practices for testing Hystrix circuit breakers and fallbacks in Spring Cloud applications. Continue reading Testing Hystrix Circuit Breakers and Fallbacks in Spring Cloud Applications: Strategies and Best Practices

iOS App Development with CoreML: Integrating Machine Learning Models into Your App

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iOS App Development with CoreML: Integrating Machine Learning Models into Your App In recent years, machine learning has become an essential part of many industries, including mobile app development. Apple’s CoreML framework enables developers to integrate machine learning models into their iOS apps, making them more intelligent and personalized. This article explores the benefits of using CoreML in your app and provides a step-by-step guide to integrating machine learning models into your iOS app. Whether you’re building a personal project or creating an app for your business, CoreML can help you deliver a better user experience and gain a competitive edge in the market. Continue reading iOS App Development with CoreML: Integrating Machine Learning Models into Your App

Implementing Push Notifications in iOS Apps with Firebase Cloud Messaging

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Implementing Push Notifications in iOS Apps with Firebase Cloud Messaging Push notifications are a powerful tool for engaging users and keeping them informed. In iOS apps, Firebase Cloud Messaging provides an easy and efficient way to implement push notifications. This article explores the key steps involved in setting up and using Firebase Cloud Messaging for push notifications in iOS apps. From configuring your Firebase project to integrating the FCM SDK and handling user permissions, this guide covers everything you need to know to implement push notifications in your iOS app with Firebase Cloud Messaging. Continue reading Implementing Push Notifications in iOS Apps with Firebase Cloud Messaging