자바 디자인 패턴으로 관찰자 패턴 구현하기: 이벤트 기반 시스템 구축

A MacBook with lines of code on its screen on a busy desk

“자바 디자인 패턴으로 관찰자 패턴 구현하기: 이벤트 기반 시스템 구축” – 기술적인 논문으로, 전문적인 톤을 사용하여 40-60자로 작성된다. Continue reading 자바 디자인 패턴으로 관찰자 패턴 구현하기: 이벤트 기반 시스템 구축

안드로이드에서의 비동기 프로그래밍: 코루틴(Kotlin Coroutines)과 RxJava

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안드로이드에서 비동기 프로그래밍은 중요한 주제입니다. Kotlin Coroutines와 RxJava는 두 가지 인기있는 선택지입니다. 이 글에서는 두 기술의 차이점과 사용 방법에 대해 알아보겠습니다. Continue reading 안드로이드에서의 비동기 프로그래밍: 코루틴(Kotlin Coroutines)과 RxJava

Architectural Patterns: Exploring the Most Common Solutions to Architectural Problems

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Architectural patterns are commonly used solutions to recurring problems in software architecture. By understanding these patterns, developers can make informed decisions about which pattern to use for a given problem, saving time and ensuring the best possible outcome. This article explores the most common architectural patterns and their benefits. Continue reading Architectural Patterns: Exploring the Most Common Solutions to Architectural Problems

Saga Pattern: Handling Distributed Transactions in Microservices

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The Saga pattern is a solution to handle distributed transactions in microservices architecture. It allows for more robust and reliable systems by breaking down complex transactions into smaller, independent actions that can be rolled back if necessary. This article will explore the Saga pattern and its benefits in detail. Continue reading Saga Pattern: Handling Distributed Transactions in Microservices

The Model-View-Presenter (MVP) Design Pattern in Java: Decoupling UI and Business Logic

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The Model-View-Presenter (MVP) Design Pattern in Java decouples UI and business logic, resulting in better maintainability and testability. By separating the concerns of the application, developers can easily modify the UI without affecting the underlying logic. This article provides an overview of the MVP pattern and its implementation in Java. Continue reading The Model-View-Presenter (MVP) Design Pattern in Java: Decoupling UI and Business Logic

The Tolerant Reader Design Pattern in Java: Enhancing Forward and Backward Compatibility

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The Tolerant Reader Design Pattern in Java: Enhancing Forward and Backward Compatibility In software development, backward and forward compatibility are important concerns. However, maintaining compatibility can be challenging when there are changes to the software’s data structures. The Tolerant Reader design pattern can help address this issue by allowing programs to read data even if the data structure has changed. In this article, we will discuss how the Tolerant Reader pattern works, its benefits, and how to implement it in Java. Continue reading The Tolerant Reader Design Pattern in Java: Enhancing Forward and Backward Compatibility

The Two-Phase Commit Design Pattern in Java: Implementing Reliable Distributed Transactions

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The Two-Phase Commit design pattern in Java is a reliable way to ensure distributed transactions are successfully completed. This pattern utilizes a coordinator to manage the transaction across multiple nodes, ensuring that all nodes either commit or rollback the transaction. By implementing this pattern, developers can ensure that transactions are reliable and consistent across all nodes. Continue reading The Two-Phase Commit Design Pattern in Java: Implementing Reliable Distributed Transactions

The Role Object Design Pattern in Java: Assigning Responsibilities and Contextual Behavior

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The Role Object Design Pattern in Java is a powerful tool for assigning responsibilities and contextual behavior to objects. This pattern allows developers to create clear and concise code that is easy to understand and maintain. By separating the responsibilities of an object into smaller, more specialized roles, the Role Object Design Pattern enables developers to create flexible and reusable code that can adapt to changing requirements. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of the Role Object Design Pattern and demonstrate its application in Java programming. Continue reading The Role Object Design Pattern in Java: Assigning Responsibilities and Contextual Behavior