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1 Tottenham 1.71%
2 Man 1.61%
3 United 1.52%
4 Liverpool 1.52%
5 Manchester 1.42%
6 League 1.42%
7 Utd 1.04%
8 France 0.76%
9 City 0.76%
10 Premier 0.76%
11 Ligue 0.76%
12 Amorim 0.76%
13 Slot 0.66%
14 Clement 0.66%
15 Mondiaux 0.57%
16 Sinner 0.57%
17 Ruben 0.57%
18 Michael 0.57%
19 Stade 0.57%
20 RC 0.47%
21 Wembanyama 0.47%
22 Canada 0.47%
23 Madrid 0.47%
24 Noel 0.47%
25 Les 0.47%
26 Arne 0.47%
27 Serie 0.47%
28 Inzaghi 0.47%
29 Jude 0.47%
30 Everton 0.47%
31 Bellingham 0.47%
32 Super 0.47%
33 Game 0.38%
34 Motta 0.38%
35 Lens 0.38%
36 Hail 0.38%
37 NBA 0.38%
38 Villa 0.38%
39 David 0.38%
40 Kai 0.38%
41 Nico 0.38%
42 Havertz 0.38%
43 Maddison 0.38%
44 Hearts 0.38%
45 Moyes 0.38%
46 James 0.38%
47 All-Star 0.38%
48 Lille 0.38%
49 Amad 0.38%
50 FC 0.38%
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6 시간, 8 분전
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6 시간, 27 분전
6 시간, 32 분전

Salford could face penalty for weakened team against St Helens

The Independent Sport

2025-02-17 04:12:46

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7 시간, 9 분전
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Liverpool s'en sort bien face a Wolverhampton


2025-02-17 01:02:56

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La verite sur l’absence de Luiz Felipe face aux Verts

Foot Marseille

2025-02-16 22:40:51

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Transferts : L’OM fait un coup a la Mbappe !


2025-02-16 21:30:16

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Fantacalcio, c'e Monza-Lecce: curiosita e precedenti

Fantacalcio ®

2025-02-16 21:01:00

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Team News: Clement Picks Side To Face Hearts

Rangers Football Club

2025-02-16 19:44:10